home ownership

Fix it Anyway

“If it isn’t broke, don’t fix it” is popular advice, but if you’ve ever had a serious plumbing leak, you probably wished you could have headed up the problem in advance. 

Washing machines, like all appliances, are supposed to work without giving them a thought, and when they don’t, it’s time to have them fixed or replaced. However, there is a critical connection from your water supply that may even be older than your washing machine itself.

Ask someone whose hose broke while they were asleep or out of town and you’ll hear stories of how quickly the water can damage walls, flooring and furniture. Almost anyone can replace the hoses with a pair of pliers for under $30.00 to avoid this potential catastrophe.

As you’re shopping for the replacement hoses, consider the braided stainless steel connectors. The advantage is that the stainless steel offers additional protection should a soft spot develop in the hose beneath. They’ll cost a little more but offer considerably more protection for a nominal difference in price.