Amendment 4 – Good for Florida!

Amendment 4 Can Help!

  Encourages First-Time Homebuyers
  Amendment 4 offers property tax relief for first-time homebuyers, responsibly encouraging Floridians to buy homes, which grows our economy. 
  Protects Against Rising Property Taxes
  Right now, cities and counties can raise your property taxes, even if the value of your home drops. Amendment 4 allows the Legislature to put an end to property tax increases on homeowners if the value of the home does drop. 
  Helps Small Businesses & Creates Jobs
  Amendment 4 helps small businesses by ensuring that property taxes for non-homestead properties can not increase by more than 5% each year,instead of 10% per year.And, according to Florida TaxWatch, a non-partisan research group, Amendment 4 would create over 20,000 new jobs in Florida. 

That’s something Florida just can’t afford to pass up.




On November 6th,

Vote Yes On Amendment 4!



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